A developer using Rails will likely say that they have created a Post resource. In most cases it is meant that a Posts model, a Posts controller with a set of CRUD actions, and some named routes pertaining to that controller (courtesy of resources :posts) were created. Lets start with resources; resources can be defined as the RESTful syntactic sugar of routes. […]
While developing a web-app, there might be some times that you just need a landing page a page that just informs people that you are in the process of creating something great!. In those instances a database might not be needed, usually what happens you may have created a database and linked it to the […]
A String is one of the basic data types included in ruby, it is comprised of a collection of textual characters that may contain digits, letters, symbols and empty characters usually referred to as white space. > String Strings can be surrounded by single quotes or double quotes, essentially “Hello, World!” is the same as […]